HA! I've got first post on this blog, take THAT MODERATOR, unless I am the moderator then, I love moderator.

    Well now that I got that over with I guess I should tell you all (which probably right now would be at most 3 people) what I am like.  To start off I like to play games, watch anime, and obviously I like hawks.
    You probably would have guessed that one of the games I like to play is TES:V Skyrim by that picture of the Dovahkiin fighting a troll (hint the dude is the Dovahkiin , the three eyed beast is the troll).also like MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) such as DBO which I suggest you donate to the "rebirth" of by going http://www.dbocom.com.
    Anime is Japanese cartoons, usually based on manga, that often over expresses emotions and interactions. I loving comedy find these to be my favorites, Dragonball (and Z), Naruto (and Shippuden), One Piece, Fairy Tail, and my absolute favorite Hetalia: The Axis Powers (and World Series); which takes place during WW1 & WW2, and have every country as a person and the main characters are the titular Axis Powers, prominently consisting of Germany, Japan, and the technically titular Italy (Hetalia is a combination of the Japanese word hetare, which means pitiful, weak, or clumsy, and Italia)
    Got it back it was saved in drafts.
1/13/2014 01:49:44 am

assassins creed

1/13/2014 01:50:11 am

first comment


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